The POTUS That Will Live In Infamy

Nobody can characterize this multi-dimensional failure like Michael Ramirez can.

About GruntOfMonteCristo

Fearless and Devout Catholic Christian First, Loving Husband and Father Second, Pissed-Off Patriot Third, Rocket Engineer Dork Last.
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9 Responses to The POTUS That Will Live In Infamy

  1. Adrienne says:

    Please make him go away. Pleeeeeeeeeease!

    • I tried to get him duct-taped to that Atlas V rocket that just launched out of the Cape yesterday, but we bailed because it was headed to the ISS (space station), and that idiot anti-gun hypocrite astronaut Mark Kelly, who is there now, is a big supporter. He’d probably just make sure Barack hitched a ride safely back in no time, or at least when he’d used up all the nicotine patches on the station.

  2. Ramirez is brilliant. If I had just one molecule of his talent I could die a happy woman.

  3. trailbee says:

    These gems should be laminated, framed and hung on the White House Christmas tree!

  4. Aussie says:

    Hey Grunt, i have not been around for a while because I was in hospital for the best part of a month. Actually, I was in 4 hospitals over that month. I had my operation but it was not as planned. I have gallbladder cancer. I am still recovering from the operation.

    On top of this trauma, my mother passed away. I was not able to attend her funeral because I was in hospital.

    In regard to the Creep in the White House, it is a wonder that he did not choke on his Weet Bix when he had to admit that the California frenzay was in fact a terrorist attack.

    I have some more things to say on the subject because I am amazed and the things that have been stated by the FBI in regard to how they figure out that there was an association with IS. They simply do not get it.

    However once Donald Trump becomes President I expect that the FBI and all the other agencies will come to their senses.

    • I hope you’re right about our gov’t coming to its senses, Aussie! And I sincerely hope you’re doing better, now! I’m sorry to hear about the cancer and the difficulties, and I’m very sorry about your mother passing and you not being able to be there. If the surgery didn’t go as planned, does that mean that they weren’t able to get all the cancer? Are you currently undergoing radiation or chemo-therapy? That seems to be the rule with all our good friends these days. So many are struggling with this. I just found out today that a close co-worker’s wife has been preparing for chemo, and her surgeries weren’t going well, either.

      Anyway, we’ll say a few rosaries for you, Aussie. Stay strong and fight hard!

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